You have questions about CBD, and probably a lot of them. We have the most common questions here with all of the answers! Have a different question? Let us know and we will do our best to add new questions with answers here.
What is CBD?
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is the most active ingredient found in the hemp plant.
CBD is 1 of over 100 different cannabinoids found in both hemp and itsβ cousin, the marijuana plant.
Marijuana also contains CBD, but the most active cannabinoid in marijuana is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol.
What is the best way to take CBD?
These are many ways to take CBD. The fastest way to absorb CBD is through smoking hemp flower.
Concentrates like CBD isolate powder or oils would be the next fastest way.
Topicals applied directly to the skin will also be about as fast as concentrates.
Gummies, chocolates, and other consumables will take the longest as the body will need to metabolize the food before absorbing them into the body.
Is hemp and marijuana the same?
Hemp and marijuana plants are both from the same species. According to federal law, hemp is defined as a cannabis plant containing 0.3% or less of Delta 9 THC.
Marijuana is a cannabis plant that contains more than 0.3% Delta 9 THC.
CBD can be derived from both hemp and marijuana plants, but the CBD is only federally legal when derived from the hemp plant.
Is CBD oil legal?
Yes. CBD oil that is derived from the hemp plant and containing less than 0.3% of Delta 9 THC is considered federally legal, according to the 2018 Farm Bill Act.
What does full-spectrum CBD mean?
Full-spectrum CBD products contain multiple cannabinoids extracted from the plant, including CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, and THC, as well as essential oils and terpenes.
The amount of Delta 9 THC should be under 0.3%, whereas the amount of CBD and other cannabinoids can range greatly, depending on the product.
What is broad-spectrum CBD?
Broad-spectrum CBD is like full-spectrum CBD in that they both contain multiple naturally occurring cannabinoids extracted from the hemp plant.
The biggest difference between broad-spectrum vs full-spectrum is that broad-spectrum products typically do not contain any THC cannabinoids, where full-spectrum products will have trace amounts of THC.
What is CBD isolate?
CBD isolate is an extracted form of CBD (cannabidiol), typically available in a white powder form.
CBD isolate usually contains at least 99% of pure CBD and does not contain any other common cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, CBC or THC.
Some of these other cannabinoids are also available in the form of isolate powder.
Will CBD get me "high"?
Products that are broad-spectrum or isolate based CBD contain no THC and will have no psychedelic effect. CBD products that contain trace amounts of THC will most likely not give someone a psychedelic effect. The low threshold of 0.3% of legal Delta 9 THC is set by the government so that hemp flower and full-spectrum CBD products do not contain enough THC to get you "high".
However, other THC cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC, THCa, THCv, and THCo can create a psychoactive effect. These cannabinoids are usually listed in a products title and on a product COA (lab results) to inform you of these additional levels of THC.
Review any lab result of a product containing these cannabinoids if you are worried about getting a "high" feeling. As a note, ALL hemp flower contains trace amounts of THC cannabinoids, even if the regulated Delta 9 THC level is 0.0%. These trace amounts of THC cannabinoids can affect a drug test.
Will CBD make me fail a drug test?
CBD will not make you fail a drug test unless the drug test is specifically testing for CBD usage. CBD by itself does not contain THC.
However, hemp flower and full-spectrum CBD products could lead to a failed drug test.
These products contain trace amounts of THC that can show up on a test. Using a broad-spectrum or CBD isolate-based product is recommended if you are worried about failing a drug test.
How long does THC stay in your system?
There is no set time, and everyone is different.
Body type, metabolism, consumption levels, water/food intake, and many other factors play a role in the amount of time THC stays in your body.
Everyone has a different biological makeup, and this makes it impossible to have a set time.
A common rule of thumb is roughly 30 days after last having some type of THC.
Why is CBD so expensive?
The price of CBD is determined by the cost of farming and harvesting the hemp plants, processing the plants into oils and isolates at a lab, and manufacturing the raw processed materials into new products for the end user.
The large amount of labor, processing, manufacturing, testing, certifications, and business expenses creates a high price for CBD products.
Why is hemp flower so expensive?
High quality, hand-trimmed hemp flower is very labor intensive.
Farms need to feed and maintain the plants in the ground for 3-4 months, carefully harvest the hemp flower, properly dry and cure the flower over an additional month, and meticulously hand-trim the individual hemp flowers to remove excess leaves to produce an attractive flower "bud" or "nug".
How much is does CBD hemp flower cost?
Depending on the quality and bud size of the hemp flower, eighths of CBD hemp flower usually cost $11-$25, half ounces cost $30-$60, and ounces cost $50-$150.
Factors that determine the price include the rarity of the strain, size of the bud, quality and denseness of the flower, the growing medium (hydroponic vs. soil), and growing location (outdoors vs. greenhouse vs. indoors).
How much is a pound of CBD hemp flower?
A variety of factors including quality and how the flower was grown determine the price of a pound of hemp flower.
Typical price ranges are $75-$250 for a quarter pound, $150-$500 for a half pound, and $250-$1200 for a pound.
For a high quality, hand-trimmed greenhouse CBD hemp flower, a standard price is about $150, $300, and $450, respectively.
What is a cannabinoid?
Cannabinoids are the compounds that make up the hemp plant.
There are over 120 cannabinoids in the plant with CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC, Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, Delta-10 THC, THC-A, and HHC being come of those most popular currently on the market.
How strong are HHC, and Delta 8?
The effects from these cannabinoids vary, but as an estimated rule of thumb, Delta-8 THC and Delta 10 THC are about 70% the potency of Delta-9 THC (the main THC in marijuana).
Delta 8 is usually more relaxing and Delta-10 is more energizing.
HHC and THC-O are as strong, if not stronger than Delta-9 THC. THC-O is usually considered the strongest of the common cannabinoids.